
nothing worth doing is easy

my blog



I made a mistake in my last blog post. The higher power contact me again, and this time he told me that it was wrong to call sexmal a "reducer", it's actually a transcoder that performs reduction. That's OK, we all make mistakes. Your value as a human isn't reduced just because you make a mistake.

Speaking of reduction, I'm not writing this blog post in sexmal at all, I'm using markdown. It's a reduction of capabilities, but I think the cost is justified for the simplicity. Just looking at my first blog post below this one (in my editor) and I'm getting another headache.

Here's an excerpt:

 ((a (@ (href "")) "HTML modules?"))

 ((a (@ (href "")) "Not")
      " "
      (a (@ (href "")) "yet")


Speaking of markdown, that's a pretty clever name. It's almost calling itself the bargain-bin markup language. But, would that mean the concept of markup languages is overpriced? So maybe markdown is just normally priced, the name isn't self-deprecating at all, it's just normal.

Speaking of self-deprecation, cheeky self-deprecating names are always amusing, git maybe being my favorite, after my own suix of course. I tried sourcing the Torvalds quote about him naming git after himself, but I couldn't find a direct source. He may have never said it, I may not be looking hard enough. I'm not going to reduce myself to scouring the internet for one quote just to make my blog post slightly more interesting.

Speaking of this blog, is this second post too soon? Am I devaluing my posts by making too many of them too quickly? I should end this one now before I run out of quirky topical tie-ins.



I'm sitting here after a long work day, and an nearly equally as long afternoon tinkering with website design, thinking "I wish someone else had done this".

"Someone really ought to do this", right?

I wanted to write a plain html blog all by hand, but actually doing that suix, so I immediately started looking for ways to modularize plain html websites.

embed! ... no.

iframes! ... no.

modules! ... modules?

HTML modules?

Not yet.

Someone really ought to do that!

The only way to currently use html modules is by... Running it through a processor! If I'm going to do that I'll just use something better than plain HTML, thanks!

I was getting sick of looking at HTML. XML in general I don't mind, but thinking more about writing my entire website, I didn't like it as much.

So I'm looking at perl, right? And I'm looking for static html generatores, and everyone says "Statocles", that's a sick name, I like it! But I'm using guix, I use guix for everything these days, and no one's packaged statocles (and plenty of its dependencies) for guix yet.

Someone really ought to do that!

And now I'm getting tired, it's late and I just wanted to make a fun static html blog.


Sexmal is (as I've been informed by a higher power) an XML reducer. It takes SEXPS (The "Symbolic expressions" used in lisps) and turns their tree structure into the equivalent tree structure in XML, or visa-versa, with some (super jank) syntax for things like div attributes

(a (@ (href "")) "GNU!") -> <a href="">"GNU!"</a>

What the hell am I reading.

And the documentation is of course immaculate.

sexmal volunteers welcome

Someone really ought to do that!